Why was the yasdownloadr.com website built?

Dear friends, you might visit our website, “yasdownloadr.com” frequently to download the YAS Download Shortcut or to get related information. However, today’s article is not specifically about this Shortcut, it is mainly focused on knowing the reasons behind building this website.

After seeing the navigation and inner interface on our website, many people contacted us and asked why we made this website. That’s why our team thought of sharing the reasons with our visitors like you and told me to write behalf of all the members.

I am Debasis Bera, a team member of yasdownloadr.com, and today I will share my experience while building this site along with my colleagues. So, let’s start with the main course.

Why yasdownloadr.com website built?

Our website “yesdownloadr.com” is built for some interesting reasons. So let’s see what those reasons are.

Reason 1:

First of all, let me be very honest that this website is made to make money. But it is not that we have left this website only to earn money.

Reason 2:

The second reason behind making this website is that I am an iOS user and I was looking for a shortcut to download different types of videos and images. Then a member of this website who is my friend suggested me this one.

However since I downloaded it from a third-party website, I discussed it with my friend and decided to make this website with one more person in total. We thought this would help other users to recognize a particular website for YAS Download.

Why did we take the ‘yasdownloadr.com’ domain?

The first domain was ‘yasdownload.com’ we tried to buy to make this website but unfortunately, that domain was already registered by someone. That’s why we took this domain adding an extra word and tried to make it official with authority because this shortcut didn’t have any official website.

We launched this site on 13th March 2024 and since that time we tried our best to rank and provide our service to iOS users.


So friends you must have read the whole article and know why we made this website. After reading the article, if you have any more questions about creating this website, please comment below.

And if you want us to guest post on this website then you can contact us but yes, we can provide guest post backlinks only on shortcut-related articles.

Thank you for today. Have a nice Day!

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